Maria Montessori's 'Libertarian View of Children'
In this Reason book review of The Child Is the Teacher: A Life of Maria Montessori, by Cristina De Stefano, I argue that while would not be accurate to call Montessori a libertarian, perhaps more than anyone else, she advanced a "libertarian view of children." Montessori's ideas about education stem from the principles of choice, individual dignity, spontaneous order, experimental discovery, and freedom of movement. They stand in radical contrast to traditional schooling, too often based on authority, central planning, rigid instruction, and force. De Stefano has written the most gripping account yet of Montessori’s heroic and tragic life.
Build Schools Keynote Speech
What good is school choice if there are no inspiring schools to choose? In this keynote speech at the State Policy Network in October 2022, I share our personal journey starting an Acton Academy and argue now is the time to build inspiring schools like Acton. Along the way, I explain how Milton Friedman got school choice backwards. Watch here.
This column will probably change your mind.
In this column in The Washington Post, my co-authors Alexander Coppock, Emily Ekins, and I review the results a first-of-its-kind field experiment measuring the persuasive effects of op-eds. We find surprising large and long-lasting persuasive effects—even among Washington insiders.
Student-Centered Learning at Acton
This video introduces “learner-driven” or student-centered learning at Acton Academy of Washington, DC. Students, parents, my wife, Nicole, and I share what we love about Acton. Learn more about Acton here.
Bringing Purpose to Education
In this podcast interview with my friend and entrepreneur Isaac Morehouse, I discuss the purpose of education and reflect on lessons learned from starting Acton Academy of Washington, DC. I’m a big fan of Isaac and his work! Check out Isaac’s stuff here.